What to do when you receive an action notice

A step by step guide

Keeping your doors safe and operational is critical to your business. At Arrow, we ensure that our maintenance checks are extensive and comprehensive, protecting you, your staff and your customers from injury.


Here's an explanation of your Improvement Notice.

1. Why is there an improvement notice on our equipment?

It is our professional recommendation that work needs to be carried out to ensure your equipment continues to operate safely and comply to current standards.

2. What happens next?

We have already contacted your Company to advise what needs to be done to bring your equipment back into safe working order.

3. Can I operate this equipment?

Yes, but please use with care. If the notice is still visible, it means the work hasn’t yet been approved. We will only remove the notice, once the required rectification has been carried out.

4. Should I be contacting you?

Firstly you need to seek advice from the person responsible for this equipment and they will be able to advise on the current status of your equipment. If you require any further advice regarding your improvement notice, please fill out the form below.

Here's an explanation of your Unsafe Equipment Notice.

1. Why is there an Unsafe Equipment notice on our equipment?

In our opinion, your equipment is unsafe to operate which may result in damage or injury to users and to members of the general public

2. What happens next?

We have already contacted your company to advise what’s needed to bring your equipment back into safe working order.

3. Can I operate this equipment?

DO NOT OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT, our engineer has deemed it unsafe to use and it would be considered dangerous to continue using.

4. Should I be contacting you?

Firstly you need to seek advice from the person responsible for this equipment and they will be able to advise on the current status of your equipment. If you require any further advice regarding your improvement notice, please fill out the form below.


Ours and your legal responsibilities.

a. As the equipment specialist, our responsibility is:

  1. To ensure your equipment is safe to operate. 
  2. To ensure we inform you when your equipment is in need of Improvement or is found to be in an Unsafe condition. 
  3. To ensure we do not leave unsafe equipment working, as we can be held criminally responsible

We assist by applying stickers to the operating mechanism which helps identify the condition:

Red – Safety Critical – leave in a safe condition (which may require isolating and locking of)

Amber – Improvement required – leave in service and let customer know what additional work is required

Green – Safe and Compliant – leave in service

b. As the System Manager, your legal responsibilities are:

  1. As the System Manager (or representative), you have a legal duty of care to users and to visitors to the premises (including trespassers) that your equipment is maintained and kept in a safe condition 
  2. This is set out in the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974, specifically sections 2, 3, 6 and 7
  3. The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992, places the responsibility on owners and managers of workplaces, to ensure they are safe, specifically Regulation 5, and 18
  4. Where equipment with defects requiring improvement is left in service, there may well still be legal liabilities for the System Manager (or representative) in the event of an incident resulting in damage to property and injury
  5. We strongly advise all safety related defects are resolved with immediate effect to protect the interests of both the System Manager and users of the system. 

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